SOGO's Senior Coaches
We take pride in our program and the fantastic team that help us put the whole thing together. Without the help of our coaches, we simply would not be able to provide fun and safe adventures for our SOGO Adventure Running kids. Thank you coaches! Here are just a few of our spectacular coaches...
Shelley Brolsma, Coach - Cochrane - Squirts, Levels 1 & 2 Shelley has now been with our SOGO for many seasons now and we are happy to have her on our team! Shelley has been in the fitness industry as a coach and personal trainer for 30 years. She also has a background as a group fitness instructor, water safety instructor and as a youth coach. Shelley comes to SOGO with a background in team-based youth training and coaching dry-land training. Beyond her time spent coaching, Shelley's passion is for the outdoors and living through nature, which she embodies through her hobbies of cycle touring, painting, climbing, hiking, swimming, event planing, singing and, of course, adventure running! |
Gabrielle Kort,
SOGO Navigators (Level 3) Coach Gabrielle began orienteering in her teenage years, and had the benefit of excellent coaching. She was on the National Orienteering squad and was a member of the National Ski-Orienteering Team. She's had many years of high-level competitions - International, National, Provincial, and the World's Masters' Games. Since 2005, Gabrielle has been a coach in FWOC's Junior program, and has been a senior SOGO coach since 2016. Moving form the Level 2 to the Level 3 group has allowed her to mentor, and to share the amazing development of teenage participants. She is very proud of SOGO's Level 3 graduates , some of whom have become coaches, and others who are on the National Junior Orienteering Team. Gabrielle very much enjoys coaching. Also last year, she won 2 silver medals in the Canadian Orienteering Championships! She continues to complete in local, national and international competitions, while simultaneously volunteering with FWOC in roles such as Safety Chief and behind the scenes event organization. |

Clarence Kort,
SOGO Navigators (Level 3)
Clarence was introduced this lifelong activity in high school, as a wonderful extension of cross-country running. He developed his skills over many years, by competing, organizing events, and coaching in FWOC's Junior Program since 2005. Clarence very much enjoys competing and has won 2 bronze medals in the 2022 Canadian Championships. He sees no end to participating in this "Sport for Life"! It brings him great pleasure and satisfaction to provide his best coaching advice and mentorship to the young orienteers who join the SOGO Level 3 program. To see some of them progress to international competition is the icing on the cake! With Spring 2023 season upon us, Clarence looks forward to coaching the SOGO L3s again!
SOGO Navigators (Level 3)
Clarence was introduced this lifelong activity in high school, as a wonderful extension of cross-country running. He developed his skills over many years, by competing, organizing events, and coaching in FWOC's Junior Program since 2005. Clarence very much enjoys competing and has won 2 bronze medals in the 2022 Canadian Championships. He sees no end to participating in this "Sport for Life"! It brings him great pleasure and satisfaction to provide his best coaching advice and mentorship to the young orienteers who join the SOGO Level 3 program. To see some of them progress to international competition is the icing on the cake! With Spring 2023 season upon us, Clarence looks forward to coaching the SOGO L3s again!

Susie Materi,
Program Coordinator
Susie joined SOGO as the Program Coordinator in summer of 2022. With 25+ years of coaching experience from grass roots development to high performance sport, she's excited to support SOGO's philosophy, sharing the sport with as many people as she can, showcasing how it can be pursued at any level, recreationally or competitively, between all generations, and for life. Be sure to reach-out to her for anything; she's so happy and determined to help bring SOGO to your family, school or event!
Program Coordinator
Susie joined SOGO as the Program Coordinator in summer of 2022. With 25+ years of coaching experience from grass roots development to high performance sport, she's excited to support SOGO's philosophy, sharing the sport with as many people as she can, showcasing how it can be pursued at any level, recreationally or competitively, between all generations, and for life. Be sure to reach-out to her for anything; she's so happy and determined to help bring SOGO to your family, school or event!
Tiffany Medeiros,
SOGO@School / SOGO Groups Coordinator & Coach Tiffany is brand new to SOGO but has been physically active since she was 5, starting with baseball and continuously adding sports (running, basketball, volleyball, rowing etc) and adventures as the years passed by. She believes physical activity is great for the mind and soul and loves to help people find their own inner "fitness" passion. As a certified personal trainer and group exercise coach, she has spent many years supporting people in their fitness endeavours. Tiffany is an avid "can't sit still" individual that loves trying new things (except food). You can find her running, biking, hiking, trying not to drown in a pool while swimming laps, walking her dog, playing catch or frisbee, not making par at the golf course or pretending she knows how to do crafts. Some of these activities are with her adorable twin daughters, friends, partner or just by herself. A self-proclaimed "big dreamer", she likes to think the "best" has yet to come and that there is always something to look forward to, strive for or dream of. Give her the chance to travel, she's100% in to explore, learn and embrace change. Tiffany hopes to lead by example and inspire everyone she meets to believe in themselves and imagine BIG things. |